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1. Plunge into Papa Joe's Gallery Of Horrors! (An introduction to this high priest of Dobbsian demagoguery.)
2. See & hear Papa Joe's Home Study Tape Listings (Which rants are where and how to hear them.)
3. Fly to Papa Joe's Holy Icon Index! (A colorful museum of Religious Artifacts.)
4. Peer into Papa Joe's Fashion Closet!
5. View Papa Joe's top most Sinister Subgenius Films.
6. Visit the electronic Computer Confessional! (Spill your guts to the Frankenstein Monster Computer God.)
7. Tremble at a "spin off" site from the lunatic fringe, the HORRIBLE Holocaustal Homepage! (View at your own risk.)
8. Witness a "spin off" of the spin off site, the DISGUSTING "Save The Humans" Homepage! (Listed here for hypothetical purposes only.)
9. CLICK HERE to intertwine yourself further and further into the web.