Confidential Report on the Seattle Report

Reporting Agent : Pope P-Lil

Occurrence Date: June, 1998

(Excerpt on Agent Mama)

Papa Joe put out what I honestly believe was his best rant to date. He lectured the audience on the "invisible fence." The "invisible fence" is a radio dog collar that allows a dog the psychological benefit of believing it's free while providing a painful zap if it actually tries to exercise its freedom. Thus it serves as a powerful metaphor for the Conspiracy--restraining us while keeping up the appearance that we're free to do as we please. It's ironic, in a sense--he had what I thought was a wonderful hate rant, but decided not to use it. I thought he was overestimating the potential reaction. (Seattle is a *tolerant* city. They don't use political power to shut down a show, they just don't bother showing up.) The best part of this rant was how Papa Joe put the space on the stage to great use, punctuating a point with a turn of the heel and with his brooding pace...

Read the complete report on Stang, Pope Meyers, and more