
Your FAVORITE episodes (and why)

Tell us so we can post it below for others to check out!


Email us a list of your favorite episodes (3? 5? 10?) and why you love them. Please include a sentence mentioning the basic plot also, because we'll post your list (without revealing your full name) so newbees can check out the episodes as well.


Visitors personal favorites

Your Favorite OTR episodes

Kurt's list of favorites:

Flesh Peddler - A talent scout discovers a new act he has to have, but at a deadly price. It's great hearing Star Trek's Doctor MaCoy in this dramic role, and a very creepy story too!

The House of Cypress Canyon - There is something scary in the house....locked inside the closet! A great haunted house story, plus a monster: who can resist that?

Dead Earnest - A paralyzed man is powerless to warn those who think he is dead not to harm him. Suspense out the wazoo. Later remade into a TV episode of Alfred Hitchcock Presents.

Country of the Blind - A fortune seeker goes to a strange place where the people are all alike, and jealous of his talent.

What are yours? Email me your list of faves and why (with a short plot mention)

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